Each civilisation, country or religion honours its own female symbol of the matriarch. So will yours. In Christianity, the Madonna is Mary, also known as the Mother of Jesus, The Holy Virgin, Mediatrix, Stella Maris, etc. One thousand names, one thousand symbols, and thousands of works of art since the Middle Ages. From Giotto to contemporary celebrities, she has been indelibly present. And so it will always be.
In ‘s-Hertogenbosch in the magnificent Gothic cathedral, a statue of the Illustrious Lady has been cherished since the 14th century. The Illustrious Brotherhood of Our Blessed Lady preserves the legacy and celebrates its 700th anniversary in 2018. One of the most wellknown members of the confraternity is Jheronimus Bosch, the world famous painter.
On the occasion of this centenary, we want you to make a contemporary representation of the Mary figure, nowadays increasingly transformed into a strong, hieratic and empathic modern woman.
In the tower of the Jheronimus Bosch Art Center (image below), there is a five-storey-high art gallery that we want to fill with glorious, shining and splendid Madonna figures. Think of women in beautiful clothes in their colorific splendour, surrounded with flowers, crowned and provided with attributes, or plain and simple, adapted to your own style and (art) tradition
An ode to the power woman, our modern Mary.
In co-operation with
The Jheronimus Bosch Art Center,
The Museum of Instant Images invites you:
(not the pop artist)
Free size. Free medium. No returns. No fees.
Deadline 31.01.2018 - Exhibition in 2018 in the
Jheronimus Bosch Art Center from May - Dec.
in ‘s-Hertogenbosch - NL
Online gallery: www.madonnaproject.blogspot.nl
Documentation to all participants,
representing the theme,
offensive contributions will not be exhibited.
Send your contribution to:
→ ColoriMii / The Museum of Instant Images
Beckershagen 15 - Chaam - 4861 SE
The Netherlands - NL
e-mail: mii@colori.nl / www.colori.nl
In co-operation with
The Jheronimus Bosch Art Center,
The Museum of Instant Images invites you:
(not the pop artist)
Free size. Free medium. No returns. No fees.
Deadline 31.01.2018 - Exhibition in 2018 in the
Jheronimus Bosch Art Center from May - Dec.
in ‘s-Hertogenbosch - NL
Online gallery: www.madonnaproject.blogspot.nl
Documentation to all participants,
representing the theme,
offensive contributions will not be exhibited.
Send your contribution to:
→ ColoriMii / The Museum of Instant Images
Beckershagen 15 - Chaam - 4861 SE
The Netherlands - NL
e-mail: mii@colori.nl / www.colori.nl
Mr. Colori
The Museum of Instant Images Beckershagen 15 - Chaam - 4861 SE The Netherlands - NL http://www.colori.nlhttp://colorimii.blogspot.comhttps://www.facebook.com/mii. e-mail: mii@colori.nl Mail art projects: http://bruegelproject. http://listsproject.blogspot. |