Um blog para falar de arte, política; fazer desabafos, receber desabafos; fazer amigas e amigos, ou perder...paciência...Um blog pra falar de mim, porque só eu posso fazer isso com isenção.
quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013
quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013
terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013
2° Premio Internacional de Grabado FIG Bilbao 2013
Pueden participar todos los artistas sin límite de edad
y nacionalidad. El objetivo del premio es dar un gran
impulso al grabado contemporáneo en sus diversas
formas y dar actualidad a la tradición de las Artes de
grabado una disciplina experimental, innovadora, técnica y sobre todo conceptual.
El premio es una gran oportunidad para desarrollar una
colección permanente que será alojada en museos y
fundaciones internacionales, para difundir y mejorar el
mundo del grabado contemporáneo. La información
del concurso se publicará en
y en el boletínes online especializados.
• Pueden participar artistas sin límite de edad y de cualquier nacionalidad.
• Cada artista presentará un máximo de cuatro obras.
• El premio está abierto a técnicas de grabado tradicionales y experimentales, incluyendo técnicas digitales,
intervenciones directas y mezcla de técnicas.
• La obra puede ser una pieza individual, obra compuesta o carpeta.
A/ INDIVIDUAL: entre 60 x 80 cm. hasta un máximo de 180 x 200 cm.
B/ COMPUESTA: formada por varias piezas cuyo conjunto tenga un tamaño máximo de 200 x 360 cm.
C/ CARPETA: pueden contener varias obras, sobre el mismo proyecto y tema de investigación (entre 8 y 20
obras), con un tamaño entre 40x50 cm. hasta un máximo de 60x80 cm.
• La obra premiada deber ser porterior al 2011, no puede haber ganado otro concursos ni ser presentada antes a
otros certamenes.
• El premio conlleva la donación de la plancha o matriz al FIG, así como una prueba de artista (P.A.) que se
entregará a la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid
• La inscripción en el concurso supone el pago de una cuota de 30 euros en la siguiente cuenta corriente.
Transferencia bancaria a la cuenta de
Pol. Ind. Belako. Makoaga Bidea 8B nav.1. 48100 Mungia. BIZKAIA - SPAIN
Caja Laboral. Amesti /Getxo // Cuenta n° 3035/0067/65/0670037409
IBAN: ES423035/0067/65/0670037409
segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013
Mais uma citação do conto "Vasalisa, a sabida"...
“A boneca no
bolso: Vasalisa, a sabida”
Era uma vez, e
não era uma vez, uma jovem mãe que jazia no seu leito de morte, com o rosto
pálido como as rosas brancas de cera na sacristia da igreja dali de perto. Sua
filhinha e seu marido estavam sentados aos pés da sua velha cama de madeira e
oravam para que Deus a conduzisse em segurança até o outro mundo.
A mãe
moribunda chamou Vasalisa, e a criança de botas vermelhas e avental branco
ajoelhou-se ao lado da mãe.
- Essa boneca
é para você, meu amor - sussurrou a mãe, e da coberta felpuda ela tirou uma
bonequinha minúscula que, como a própria Vasalina, usava botas vermelhas,
avental branco, saia preta e colete todo bordado com linha colorida.
- Estas são as
minhas últimas palavras querida - disse a mãe. - Se você se perder ou precisar
de ajuda, pergunte à boneca o que fazer. Você receberá ajuda. Guarde sempre a
boneca. Não fale a ninguém sobre ela. Dê-lhe de comer quando ela estiver com
fome. Essa é a minha promessa de mãe para você, minha bênção, querida. - E, com
essas palavras, a respiração da mãe mergulhou nas profundezas do seu corpo,
onde recolheu sua alma, e saiu correndo pelos lábios;
e a mãe
O restante desta história está no livro
“Mulheres que correm com os lobos”, de Clarissa Pinkola Estés.SeSTa CoNVoCaZione iNTeRNaZioNaLe Di aRTe PoSTaLe eSSeRCi SeNZa eSSeRCi (VI edizione)

SeSTa CoNVoCaZione iNTeRNaZioNaLe Di aRTe PoSTaLe
eSSeRCi SeNZa eSSeRCi (VI edizione)
A cura di eNZo CoRReNTi e _guroga
1) Eseguire le mail art a tema libero
2) Supporto e dimensioni liberi
3) Sul retro scrivere nome dell'autore, data e titolo
4) La partecipazione è gratuita
5) Spedire una o più opere postali a: ENZO CORRENTI - VIA GARELLA, 43 - 59100, PRATO (ITALIA)
6) Le opere pervenute non saranno restituite
7) Le immagini delle opere inviate potranno essere utilizzate dall'organizzazione nei modi e con i fini ritenuti opportuni senza nessuna pretesa economica da parte degli artisti invitati a partecipare.
In particolare viene riconosciuto il diritto ad utilizzarle nel materiale di comunicazione e pubblicitario.
8) Nessuna selezione, ne giuria, ne vendita
9) Per informazioni:
Enzo Correnti: cellulare: +39 347.5729513,
e_mail: - - esserci-senza-esserci@hotmail.
La mostra fa parte della manifestazione:
CaRRoZZeRia RiZieRi
PoNTeDeRa (PiSa) - iTaLia
Sabato 28 e domenica 29 settembre 2013
Entro e non oltre il 22 SETTEMBRE 2013
Escluso le Mail Art Pornografiche, Razziste, Naziste, Omofobe, etc etc
Grafica di _guroga

Please send your FRANK ZAPPA themed mail art to:
eve-N-odd gallery,
645 Central Ave #11,
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Due AUGUST 1st 2013
7th annual mail art call... yep.

EGG - Gallery of Colors Thessaloniki and
25 Years of IUOMA Mail Art Exhibit-
2 May, 2013, International Day of Colors,
Theme: FREE with EGG shape
Size: 10 x 15 cm (postcard) until A4 (21 x 29 cm)
Technique: FREE only original art, no digital copies
No Jury - No return - Family Friendly, No offensive material .
Deadline: April 23, 2013
Send to:
Afrodite Karamanli
48 Gambetta
54642 Thessaloniki GREECE
Mail art received by April 23, 2013 will be part of the events and exhibit for
International Day of Colors in Thessaloniki, and also will be for the exhibit
in Aitolitko, Greece, at "ergogallery" of Grigoris and Michalis Kotsari,
on August 16, 2013, in honor of the 25 Years of IUOMA.
25 Years of IUOMA Mail Art Exhibit-
2 May, 2013, International Day of Colors,
Theme: FREE with EGG shape
Size: 10 x 15 cm (postcard) until A4 (21 x 29 cm)
Technique: FREE only original art, no digital copies
No Jury - No return - Family Friendly, No offensive material .
Deadline: April 23, 2013
Send to:
Afrodite Karamanli
48 Gambetta
54642 Thessaloniki GREECE
Mail art received by April 23, 2013 will be part of the events and exhibit for
International Day of Colors in Thessaloniki, and also will be for the exhibit
in Aitolitko, Greece, at "ergogallery" of Grigoris and Michalis Kotsari,
on August 16, 2013, in honor of the 25 Years of IUOMA.
sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013
Istanbul Mail Art Project
Technique: Free
Dimensions: 10.2x15.3 cm (postcard)
Deadline: 25 April 2013
Dates of Exhibition: 09-23 May 2013
Place of Exhibition: Atölye Arts-In
The works will not be returned. Against each work sent for the exhibition, a photograph from my own camera will be sent to the participants by mail.
The works will be broadcasted at the address of:
as they are received.
Furthermore, they will be shared at the address of:
Such informations as the artist’s name, name of the work, address, e-mail, etc. will be written on the back of the works.
Meral Ağar
Beşiktaş PTT Merkez
34354 Beşiktaş – Istanbul - Turkey
Thank you in advance.
I am new mail art because I know that since September 2012.
I discovered on my mail art work or a facilitator had launched a project on mail art.
I am now in charge of the mail art project. Their theme is bubbles and balls spheresenchanted garden ...
If you could contact them a little something ... they are between 6 and 11 years. You at the end of the year a booklet with all the artwork received ...
We exhibit regularly enough that we get to school ....
Their address:
Clae Littre
3 Place Bertier
31300 Toulouse
At the same time I launch myself in the art as postal staff.
My theme: Japan
Any format, any material, any deadline.
Ensure response by return mail art on the theme of your choice.
My address is:
Anais Appt c 121
84 boulevard Jean Brunhes
31300 Toulouse
sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

Maiores e melhores informações...

"The Paint a Fish campaign aims at engaging and educating the younger generations in the protection of fish stocks. Over the next months kids from EU countries and beyond will be encouraged to paint a fish. All fish will be uploaded on this web site to create a colourful fish stock that will call on EU leaders to refill our seas by restoring fish stocks to their maximum sustainable yield (MSY)."
(P.S. I read 'kids and beyond from EU countries and beyond'- so independant of your age: don't hesitate to paint or upload your fish for this campaign, too: Help!)
(P.S. I read 'kids and beyond from EU countries and beyond'- so independant of your age: don't hesitate to paint or upload your fish for this campaign, too: Help!)
Estampillas para el 5 de diciembre
Dentro de este marco, diseñe su estampilla para el 5 de diciembre: al hacer click sobre el link se descargará un documento PDF para imprimir e intervenir.
Serán expuestas en lugar a convenir y se editará una prueba de impresión para envío a los participantes.
Sin jurado. Sin devolución. Sin comercialización. Los trabajos recibidos formarán parte del Archivo Ars Et Design.
Enviar por correo postal a:
Diego Axel Lazcano
Ars et Design
Venezuela 2742
C1211AAB Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Haga click en el link:
quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013
Many of you have been kind enough to send me a post card (or two) for my forthcoming Mail Art Exhibitions (see below).
If you have done so, then thank you, and please send some more (hopefully, a lot more).
If you haven't sent me any post card(s) yet, then I'm sure that you are going to do so in the immediate future, and i would like to thank you in advance.
But how can I save money on my Mail Art postage, Val?
Simple: put two or more (again, hopefully, a lot more!) post cards in one envelope and send them to me. then you only have to pay for one stamp.
I invite you to take part in two Mail Art Exhibitions on the theme “L'Art de la Carte Postale” or “Post Card Art” (it sounds better in French!) that I will be organising in Sigean, France, in the Spring and Summer of 2013. Details of the Exhibitions are below.
The Exhibitions will be linked to IUOMA's 25the anniversary celebrations (THE Day is 16 August, 2013)
Please send as many cartes postale/post cards as you like – the more the merrier!
Photos of the Exhibitions will be posted here later.
Theme: L'Art de la Carte Postale/Post Card Art
Size: Postcard (10.5 x 15 or up to 15 x 21 cms/ 4 x6 or up to 6 x 81/4 ins)
Technique: Free! Anything goes – drawing, painting, collage, it's up to you.
Exhibitions: i) Médiathèque, Sigean, 12 – 27 April, 2013
Médiathèque, Sigean, 6 -17 August, 2013
Deadlines: i) 10 April, 2013/3 August, 2013
No jury, no fees, no prizes, no returns
Please send your cartes postale/post cards (marked 'Exhibitions', and with your name and address on them) to:
Valentine Mark Herman
1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine,
F-11130 Sigean,
If you have done so, then thank you, and please send some more (hopefully, a lot more).
If you haven't sent me any post card(s) yet, then I'm sure that you are going to do so in the immediate future, and i would like to thank you in advance.
But how can I save money on my Mail Art postage, Val?
Simple: put two or more (again, hopefully, a lot more!) post cards in one envelope and send them to me. then you only have to pay for one stamp.
I invite you to take part in two Mail Art Exhibitions on the theme “L'Art de la Carte Postale” or “Post Card Art” (it sounds better in French!) that I will be organising in Sigean, France, in the Spring and Summer of 2013. Details of the Exhibitions are below.
The Exhibitions will be linked to IUOMA's 25the anniversary celebrations (THE Day is 16 August, 2013)
Please send as many cartes postale/post cards as you like – the more the merrier!
Photos of the Exhibitions will be posted here later.
Theme: L'Art de la Carte Postale/Post Card Art
Size: Postcard (10.5 x 15 or up to 15 x 21 cms/ 4 x6 or up to 6 x 81/4 ins)
Technique: Free! Anything goes – drawing, painting, collage, it's up to you.
Exhibitions: i) Médiathèque, Sigean, 12 – 27 April, 2013
Médiathèque, Sigean, 6 -17 August, 2013
Deadlines: i) 10 April, 2013/3 August, 2013
No jury, no fees, no prizes, no returns
Please send your cartes postale/post cards (marked 'Exhibitions', and with your name and address on them) to:
Valentine Mark Herman
1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine,
F-11130 Sigean,
I'd love to introduce your readers to our mail art collaborative project.
The "Mail Art Collaborative" is an ongoing collaborative art project that uses mail as a medium.
We're seeking artists, illustrators, and crafters to submit their work.
Here's how:1. Decorate, draw on, paint, or collage an envelope, or postcard and send a clever note with it.
We'll be taking photos & posting about this collaborative project on our blog, and mail art collaborativeon tumblr please include your website name if you have one, and your name in the note, so we can give you proper credit. (We'll be sure to photoshop out any return addresses given, we respect your privacy. If you use a return address, we recommend writing it on the back of the envelope)
2. Mail the envelope to us here:
GoldfieldArts Inc.
c/o Mail Art Collaborative
12223 Highland Ave #106-577
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739, USA
3. Comment and share your work!
This collaborative project is for fun & to foster a creative community for like-minded people who love the art of mail.
We're looking forward to seeing what you create.
If you need some creative ideas to get started, check out our pinterest board:
Here's how:1. Decorate, draw on, paint, or collage an envelope, or postcard and send a clever note with it.
We'll be taking photos & posting about this collaborative project on our blog, and mail art collaborativeon tumblr please include your website name if you have one, and your name in the note, so we can give you proper credit. (We'll be sure to photoshop out any return addresses given, we respect your privacy. If you use a return address, we recommend writing it on the back of the envelope)
2. Mail the envelope to us here:
GoldfieldArts Inc.
c/o Mail Art Collaborative
12223 Highland Ave #106-577
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739, USA
3. Comment and share your work!
This collaborative project is for fun & to foster a creative community for like-minded people who love the art of mail.
We're looking forward to seeing what you create.
If you need some creative ideas to get started, check out our pinterest board:
Thanks for taking a look.
Best Wishes,
Kathleen Rossi

Une idée.....faire nous aussi une exposition Mail Art à Saint-Flour(15). ON COMPTE SUR VOUS.......C'EST TRES SIMPLE, NOUS ENVOYER UN MAIL ART QUE VOUS AUREZ CONFECTIONNE.....
Le but étant d'en recevoir un maximum du monde entier, d'artistes pro, d'amateurs, mais aussi d'enfants..... La seule obligation étant que votre(vos) oeuvre(s) passe(nt) par la poste, timbrée(s), oblitérée(s)......pour tout le reste, support, technique, thème, tout est LIBRE, alors faîtes vous plaisir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ca
On compte sur vous.....N'hésitez pas à partager!!! :) :)
Date jusqu'à laquelle vous pouvez nous envoyer votre mail art : 31 août 2013.
P.S: N'oubliez pas de nous dire qui vous êtes, si vous êtes amateur ou pro, que l'on puisse au moment de l'exposition avoir un petit catalogue où vous figurerez :) .
A moins que vous choisissiez la carte de l'anonymat........:)
Notre adresse :
Les Ateliers Artistiques Sanflorains
11, rue du Muret
Les Ateliers Artistiques Sanflorains ont leur page facebook.....N'hésitez pas à nous rendre une petite visite....
"Les Ateliers Artistiques Sanflorains" (Non-Profit Organisation)
An idea! ..... to also do a Mail Art exhibition in Saint-Flour, beautiful medieval City in Auvergne.
quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013
Rosa Gravino has invited to the event '3° EVENTO INTERNACIONAL DE ARTE CORREO EN EL MAC, Museo de Arte Cañadense' on International Union of Mail-Artists!
See more details and RSVP on International Union of Mail-Artists: ART VACANCES ET VOYAGES
Projet de mail art, organisé dans le cadre de Dunkerque 2013 Capitale Régionale de la Culture avec le soutien de l'association Frûctose par Isabelle Vannobel.
Expo 6 au 13 juillet 2013, Môle 1 Dunkerque, dans la Station de Tourisme Expérimentale.
Isabelle Vannobel Ceravolo
17 rue Blaise Pascal
59240 - Dunkerque - France.
terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013
Tim Gaze
mail art project: "signs & symbols"
You might find free fonts from places such as useful.
All entries which contain signs & symbols will be exhibited at the General Store Community Arts Centre, in the Adelaide Hills of South
PDF documentation will be sent to all participants who provide an email address. We can't afford to return your artwork.
closing date: 1st September 2013
address: signs & symbols project
P O Box 1011
Kent Town
SA 5071
thank you!
Tim Gaze & Marisa Ala Dea, organisers

“Artists Without Borders” invites all artists to participate at AWB’s 1st International Mail Art project and exhibition.
Theme: “Green”
Size: Free
Technique: Free (but no audio, video or perishable material)
Deadline: March 15th, 2013
Exhibition: All artworks received will be exhibited online on “World Art Day” April 15th, 2013.
(We’re working on holding an exhibition also at a gallery. Details about this will be announced if suitable conditions occur…)
-No jury; no fees; no return.
-All artwork must be sent by snail mail only. No artworks sent by email will be accepted.
-Don’t forget to add in each artwork the title, your name, address and email, etc.
-It would be great if you send your cv, too...
Send your artworks to:
Artists Without Borders
Bagdat cad. Selcuk Sindal sok. No:3 D:16 Feneryolu, Kadikoy 34724 Istanbul, Turkiye
For more information and your questions:
Theme: “Green”
Size: Free
Technique: Free (but no audio, video or perishable material)
Deadline: March 15th, 2013
Exhibition: All artworks received will be exhibited online on “World Art Day” April 15th, 2013.
(We’re working on holding an exhibition also at a gallery. Details about this will be announced if suitable conditions occur…)
-No jury; no fees; no return.
-All artwork must be sent by snail mail only. No artworks sent by email will be accepted.
-Don’t forget to add in each artwork the title, your name, address and email, etc.
-It would be great if you send your cv, too...
Send your artworks to:
Artists Without Borders
Bagdat cad. Selcuk Sindal sok. No:3 D:16 Feneryolu, Kadikoy 34724 Istanbul, Turkiye
For more information and your questions:
segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013
I started a YouTube channel a few weeks ago, where (among other things) I'll be making monthly videos to showcase the mailart I receive. (The first one can be seen here
I'd like to create a special one-off video around my birthday (14th April) full of'Unusual' Mailart. I'm thinking the type of stuff you see on the 'Extremem mailart' group (plastic toys, bits of wood, found objects etc), but the interpretation is up to you. If you don't feel confident posting your art 'naked', I'm happy to receive things in packages, but naked would be good ;)
I'll still be doing a monthly video as usual, for all the postcards, boekies etc, but anything that I (or you) think is particularly unusual or extreme will go into this extra special video. My hope is that I can spread the word of the network, mailart in general, and of course show off your amazing efforts to the world while entertaining my subscribers :)
If you'd like to take part, please send your unusual pieces to:
Sarah Churchill
23 Laura Street
Pontypridd, R.C.T
South Wales
CF37 1NW
United Kingdom
REMEMBER I will be making the video on/around the 14th April, so post at the end of March to be sure of reaching me in time.
Thanks in advance, friends! :)
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013
Tema: otra oportunidad para el amor
Técnica Libre (no elementos perecederos)
Medias: 15 x 21 cm
Medias: 15 x 21 cm
Fecha Límite de recepción 30/11/13
Enviar a
silvia calvo
Gral.Urquiza 1715
CP 1243
silvia calvo
Gral.Urquiza 1715
CP 1243
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
El material recibido será expuesto en
Mail Art Call for "open heart"
Topic: another chance for love
Free technical (no perishable items)
Socks: 15 x 21 cm
DEADLINE 30/11/13
Send to
Silvia Calvo
Gral.Urquiza 1715
(CP 1243) CABA
The material received will be published in
http / /
Topic: another chance for love
Free technical (no perishable items)
Socks: 15 x 21 cm
DEADLINE 30/11/13
Send to
Silvia Calvo
Gral.Urquiza 1715
(CP 1243) CABA
The material received will be published in
http / / acorazonabiertoartecorreo.
sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

Bem-vindo ao desconhecido!Neste lugar de disfunção pictórico, o turbilhão de perguntas sem respostas diferentes convida você a expandir seus horizontes como um evento com o único propósito de refletir, como um escudo, o processo não lógico de um encontro do segundo tipo comigo.
Por favor, envie seus fenômenos para:
Eduardo Cardoso
Urb. S. Rafael, Lote 2
7520-266, Sines
sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013
Mail- Art call N.1
Durmiente Babel / Sleeping Babel
Faro Móvil invites artist from the entire world to participate in the project “Sleeping Babel”.
If you wish to take part of this project please send by snail mail or e-mail an audio recording telling one dream you remember particularly well.
Please, record the dream in your native language. If possible, send a written translation to English, it will be most welcomed.
All materials sent for participation will be compiled in a series of volumes in audio CD-R format. These compilations will be sent to the participants of each volume by Snail Mail.
With time, I hope, a beautiful virtual library of spoken dreams will be built.
Fotografía & Arte Correo / Photography & Mail-Art
Faro Móvil invites artist from the entire world to participate in the project “Photography & Mail-Art ”
If you wish to take part of this project please send by snail mail one or more photographs of your city, town, neighborhood, street, or any spot of the place you live that you consider particularly interesting, emotive or curious.
Please do not send commercial postcards, only pictures reflecting a personal view on “your place” taken by yourself.
All pictures will be posted on Faro Movil´s blog
All the participations to this project will be answered with a photograph or photographs taken by myself.
Mail-Art call N.3
Tema Libre / Free theme
Faro Móvil invites artist from the entire world to participate in the project “Free Theme”
If you wish to take part of this project please send by Snail Mail free themed work in any format, size and technique.
All works will be posted on Faro Movil´s blog
All works will be answered as soon as possible with another work sent by Snail Mail.
Faro Móvil
Perón Sur 123 (Barrio San Salvador)
Ushuaia CP 9410
Tierra del Fuego
Postagens (Atom)