terça-feira, 14 de maio de 2013


Artistically a mail art score 

International mail art project by Angela Caporaso

 It was Guido d'Arezzo (991 - 1050) who developed the system of musical notation introducing the modern principle of stave. The stave used by Guido included only four lines and was therefore called the tetragram.
  The invention of the pentagram instead is attributed to Ugolino da Orvieto. Its name comes from the Greek words, penta, five, and gramma, line. The pentagram is the set of 5 parallel horizontal lines and four spaces between them, on which you write notes and signs of break. This system is in use since 500.
At the beginning of the pentagram usually you put a key, which, providing the position of a determined note, fixes the position of all the others.
More staves can be hold by a single score. The method of the score began to stand out at the middle of the 500 contextually with the development of the orchestral music. So, the score  is a graphical representation of a music of different simultaneous vocal and instrumental parts.
To take part in this project

1) Download the picture : score.pdf (site:

2) process it with any figurative technique, drawing, collage, painting, etc.

3) Send to : 

Angela Caporaso 
Via Roma 117  - 81100 
Caserta - Italia

Deadline 30/ 6 /2014

The works will not be returned, they will be included in the website:
follow any/possible exhibition.

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