terça-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2017

Centrum Latinitatis Europae – Delegazione Aretè (Ἀρετή) di Siracusa Mail Art International traveling exhibition


International Traveling Exhibition of Mail Art

Hello to all the artists all over the world!
The “Centrum Latinitatis Europae” “Aretè” of Syracuse (Italy) is kindly inviting you to participate in a mail art project entitled: “Me and Beauty”.
Subtitle: "The artistic creativity in and with the postal communication".
The event is divided into two parts:
a) Collection of writings from artists, critics and art connoisseurs on the subject: "What happened to the Beauty in general practice contemporary ornament?" 
Writings must be sent as soon as possible info@centrumlatinitatissr.org
All the writings will be publish on the site: www.Centrumlatinitatisssr.org and www.humanitasnova.net
b) Works: three at most European standard size A4 in any matter. The deadline is March 30, 2017 - First performance will be in Siracusa (Italy). You will be notified by email.
c) You can participate *) only with the written **) only with the mail art ***) or both.
1) Please, send with stamps in an envelope by ordinary mail. Do not bend.
2) No participation fees, no jury, no return.
3) You can use any technique as long as it does not offend the others sensibility.
4) The committee is costitueted by prof. Gino Cilio, by the architect Prof. Salvatore Rapisarda, by the Prof. Nino Sicari. They will evaluate the exclusion of any Mail Art that does not satisfy the artistic, the moral and the civil dignity. In this case, the artist will be invited to replace his works with another no later than the deadline.
5) The works must indicate on the back a) the sender b) the technique used c) the website (if available) and d) The artist email.
6) Each work must have hangers.
7) The shipping address is: Centrum Latinitatis Europae – C/O Lidia Pizzo- Via Archia, 35 - 96100 Siracusa (Italy).
8) Participants will be notified when the exhibition will change location.
NB: The participation to the exhibition entails the acceptance of these rules entirety.
I'm sorry for my little English.
Yours faithfully
Lidia Pizzo
President of the Delegation “Aretè” – Centrum Latinitatis Europae – Siracusa (Italy)

Centrum Latinitatis Europae – Delegazione Aretè (ρετή) di Siracusa
Mail Art International traveling exhibition


Surname_________________             Name  ___________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
Nationality__________________________ phone_____________________


to participate in the II ^ international exhibition of Mail Art: "Me and Beauty", organized by the "Arete" Delegation of Centrum Europae Latinitatis – Siracusa (Italy).
With the signature below authorizes the Organizing Committee, under
L. 675/96, to use your personal data only for purposes related to the Review



N.B. The entry form must be sent as soon as possible: info@centrumlatinitatssr.org

N.B. The entry form should be sent as soon as possible to: info@centrumlatinitatissr.org

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